Monday, January 18, 2010

Hold The Rope

As of late, this is a life lesson that I have thought on for quite a bit. My rope seems pretty frayed, and has definitely done its share of stretching, but I haven't fallen yet. Why? I know that I'm hanging on, but who is holding the other end for me? There is someone who cares, someone who wants to make sure that I stick around, and for that I am thankful. Life would be pretty dull otherwise. I know that I am hanging on to the other end for quite a few friends. I've been there through it all - the good, the bad, the ugly - and I'll probably never hear a word of thanks. Sometimes, these lovely people won't acknowledge me in public. I've decided that it's not a priority to be recognized for what I do, but rather to ensure that I am honest, faithful, and make the choices I do for the right reasons.

When you are hanging over the edge of a cliff, hands turning white from gripping your frayed, scraggly end of the rope, who is above you, holding you there, and ensuring that you won't fall into the deep abyss? I've fallen once. I know that I was let down - but by myself. Sometimes, it's difficult to hold on for everyone - sometimes, it's difficult to hold on for yourself.

I want to thank those of you who continue to hold the other end of my rope, to ensure that I don't fall unless I do so of my own accord. Additionally, those who come after me and ensure that I am safe and make my way back up. If I'm at the bottom, I have let go not only for myself, but for everyone else that is depending upon me.

I keep a small length of rope to remind myself of this story, and to remind myself to stay strong when the going gets rough. It's not a symbol of leadership. It's a symbol of authority - knowing that you have the power to let someone else go despite their best effort to hang on, or to let yourself go. Choose wisely, but I advise that you remember to keep holding on to the rope. Without it, life doesn't have the appeal of knowing that you are not completely alone.

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