Before I begin, I want to make it very very clear that I am not going to judge you if you have one and manage to TASTEFULLY show it in situations where your back is uncovered [say, while wearing a bikini or swimsuit suited to your figure, which may show that area of your body]. I am going to be disgusted if you are the person who purposely leans forward whenever possible or squats down for your shirt to ride up or your pants to show some crack in order to "impress" with your "badass tattoo" that serves solely to make you look like a dumbass.
"Going to the lake" is always an experience, regardless of who you go with and when you go. From ice skating in winter, to the sudden influx of "Skankapolis", to the chill nights with bonfires, to even the random run/hike with some new scenery, everyone knows what it's like, or can at least identify with certain times of year. Right now, the beginning of "Skankapolis" has struck at every lake throughout the United States, and will continue until approximately mid-July when these special people realize that there are no major holidays to celebrate and the city aquatic center membership they bought on a whim expires in about a month. After this point, the lake is blissfully peaceful for those who truly do go out in the rural areas for the PEACE and QUIET of nature, not the drunken whorefests of the less mature who are most likely trying to escape the critical eye of society, but once again failing miserably. It seems the only thing they don't fail would be pregnancy tests. [Okay, that might have been harsh. The truth does hurt.]
Back to the tramp stamp: these wonderful ideas - generally consisting of either a butterfly, string of flowers, or some Chinese symbols that looked pretty cool while they were drunk - mark a female right around her waistline in the back. They are worse than seeing asscrack, in my opinion, because she WILLINGLY allowed and PAID for someone to 'permanently' mark her [Removal would be a wise choice...insert string of obscenities. You'll have to road trip with me to hear me at my finest.]. If nothing else, these should serve as a warning or better understanding of the past for any potential suitors. Nothing else could scream "I watch more MTV, drink more bitch beer, and dance on tables/chairs/any elevated surface more than any other *&%&$ alive" more clearly.
Unfortunately, many of these individuals fail to realize that these "additions" are far from attractive, and will go out of their way to show off and expect you to exclaim over how cool their excessively cliche ink is. Stop! If we simply ignore these horrifyingly disfiguring marks upon the human flesh, we will [hopefully] educate upcoming adult members of society that they are nothing more than a waste of time and an easy way of marking yourself as undesirable.
Note: I refrained from posting pictures of this since NO ONE who can access this blog is immune to the horrifying impact that tramp stamps have had on the population. I mean, I can only put so much scum on my blog before something awful happens.
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