Friday, February 25, 2011

An Empty Space

Individually, we all have this nasty tendency: we focus on the few things that aren't working out for us, and tend to blow them out of proportion. There are few things that I truly could complain about in my life, but as I type this, I realize that I spent the bulk of my Friday night wallowing in undeserved self-pity. Didn't really need to eat those Oreos, either, but it's a little too late for that thought.

One of the biggest things that I miss is having a fellow conversationalist in my life. I want to be able to talk about the deeper things in life - more than how someone's day is going, or what their plans are for the weekend - with someone who takes the time to actually make it into a proper discussion. For me to use the word "want" is a huge step in and of elementary years featured a slew of teachers who professed that we should use the phrase "would like", as wanting is considered rude.

At least a decade later, I believe they were wrong.

I realize this is a short post, and that I have not posted in quite some time, but the roller coaster that is life has definitely made blogging less of a priority that I would like in everyday life.

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