Sunday, January 20, 2013

Do we use the word 'friend' too loosely?

On occasion, I have the opportunity to spend vast amounts of time in solitude. These opportunities can be exceptionally productive, or I can laze about and pretend that there is someone else who is going to pick up after me later...hush. A girl can dream.

This holiday weekend has proven to be one filled with plenty of time for reflection since I have not physically seen a person I know in the past 24 hours. Considering the fact I live in a residence hall with 200ish students, this is an impressive feat otherwise known as "sequestered in my apartment with the doors locked". I did venture out to a convenience store, where I had my only verbal conversation of the day with the cashier, who was impressed that I brought my own bag to sack groceries (ahem: junk food).

So...about this concept of friendship.

I do have friends in Valdosta. Acquaintances, good friends, and a few friends who know quite a bit about me. However, one of the things about moving halfway across the country for grad school is that you leave the people who know you best behind. Sure, social media and video chatting can help make the distance bearable. However, being able to Skype with a friend is nothing in comparison to the ability to sit together in silence and simply bask in one another's company. The random decisions and adventures that come with having your best friends close at hand are now relegated to memory.

The door of opportunity is not being ignored. Rather, the importance of being able to make sure that I do not forget who I am in a new setting motivates me to continue to ensure strengthened bonds with friends I hold dear.

So how do you choose whether or not to call someone a friend? What meaning do you attach to friendship?

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