Sunday, January 20, 2013

Why I despise resolutions...

The faith of individuals at the end of December always amazes me. The symbolism behind putting up a new calendar, starting a new year, and making resolutions has always seemed rather...pointless.

  • What makes you think having a new planner to write down what qualifies you as "busy" is going to make 2013 any better than any previous year? 
  • What makes you believe that the "new year" is going to be completely, irrevocably different than any year you have experienced? 
  • Why do you wait until January 1 to enact these resolutions? 
  • Do the superstitions and traditions associated with 'ringing in a new year' truly make a difference when it comes to how your year will go? 

Personally, I have yet to understand why such a fuss is made over the beginning of a new calendar year. As such, I tried something different and far from what one would expect a New Year's "bah humbug" individual such as myself: I went to a party. I had the little kazoo. I surrounded myself by individuals who were excited and ready to bring in this new year, to accomplish their new dreams, and to challenge themselves to their new resolutions.

It did not rub off.

I still think people are nuts.

Twenty days into the new year, part of me wants to laugh as people lament the fact they are already slipping when it comes to their resolutions. The opportunity to make a difference in their own lives, and zero motivation exists. It seems ridiculous to expect that overnight, your personal habits and motivations will change.

If you want to make a resolution to change, the first thing you have to change is your attitude. No other changes will occur if you remain mentally indifferent to what you have recognized as "resolution-worthy".

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