Monday, August 17, 2009

Opening Up For Business

I'm sitting in my room at school now, wondering just why I decided to start a new project. Perhaps it is because I am bored. Perhaps I am simply trying to find a way to let time go by faster. Perhaps I am simply intrigued by the thought of people actually taking the time to read what I type. To be quite honest, I'm not sure which of the above it would happen to be. I will just have to see what happens.

I've become bored by other social networks and activities. Facebook has lost its charm, MySpace was never exciting to begin with, Twitter makes me feel like I've given up on speaking in fully-formed sentences, and I'm a bit sick of joining groups and virtually letting people know that I am attending events. If I show up, then there I am. Good enough for me, and it should be good enough for everyone else.

School is currently consisting of training for my job as RHA president. Sometimes it's complicated, sometimes I am bored, but I know that the people I work with are...unique. At least to me. I'm a pretty serious person, and you really have to get to know me before I act goofy around you. It's interesting to see how each of us click and how we will work best's been difficult because I have so many ideas, but they would take us in the opposite direction from where we are going. Going with the flow is not something that I would put in the strength column for myself.

To change the topic completely, I think I'm going to end this entry. Yep. Otherwise, you'd be here all night reading my rambling comments, and neither of us want that.

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