Sunday, March 14, 2010

Filling the Void

Most people can sense when there is something wrong, or if someone is holding something back. However, they don't have the best ways of asking [assuming they are polite about their quest for information] to find out what is wrong. Some will even tell you that they aren't in the mood to talk, and then refuse to acknowledge your presence. It's difficult enough for me to share my thoughts and feelings with someone else, and this is only amplified when people are far too nosy or forceful in trying to find everything out. If I want you to know what is going on, then I will tell you. I might not give you every detail, but it's not necessary for you to know everything regarding my life in order to live. Trust me. I don't know everything about you, nor do I have any desire to find out for myself.

So yes, there is a bit of a void since I don't have someone to talk to about some of the things that I am going through. There are very few people that I feel comfortable enough to unload my baggage with, and those people aren't necessarily the most accessible people in the world. Like myself, they keep ridiculously busy in hopes of being able to ignore the voids that are present within their own lives. By no means am I friendless, but I don't have that best friend who knows everything. It was difficult enough to open myself up to a significant other, only to have everything that I thought destroyed and devalued.

I just erased two paragraphs to create a void.

It's difficult to understand the story of another if you're not willing to take the time to build trust.


  1. It's hard to go without that person you can confide everything in. It's been a long time since I've had that sort of person as well. I wish you the best....I mean you're Little T, I have faith you'll find a way to manage :). Just don't push yourself too hard because no matter how busy you make yourself, life has a way of catching up to you.

  2. Thanks. It's just that certain people assume that they are present in this role, but I know that I can't trust them because they don't have an understanding of privacy.
